IPOH: The Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah has called on Muslims to learn from the events of Prophet Muhammad’s ‘hijrah’ or migration and improve themselves to become better in an ever-changing world.

He added that they should view the world with an optimistic mindset and break free from ignorance. The community also cannot evade change, which is regarded as a natural phenomenon.

“Hence, migration is a manifestation of the need for renewal, aligning with changes in civilisation and time.

“Muslims must be ready, even obligated, to undergo a migration of the mind and culture, enabling them to understand and interpret contemporary issues from various dimensions and empowering them to tackle and master current situations, especially the rapid technological revolution,” he said in his opening speech during the state-level Ma’al Hijrah celebration here yesterday.

He said a migration of the mind requires breaking free from ignorance and comfort zones. It requires courage to explore new knowledge, skills, mediums and methods in line with the needs of the time.

“A mind eager for progress, a wise and rational mind, a liberated mind that is not subservient and a mind that is unafraid of change are all essential for a successful migration.

“Cultural migration involves being willing to leave behind obsolete and decayed cultures and embracing a more dynamic culture that reflects noble character, discipline, dignity, honesty, sincerity and adheres to Islamic principles and values,” he added.

Sultan Nazrin also prayed to Allah that the ummah (Muslim community) will be able to migrate their mindset to become better people.

“From a culture of empty promises to a culture of fulfilling commitments; from a culture of seeking weaknesses to a culture of uniting strengths; from a culture of spreading discord to a culture of upholding the truth; from a narrow-minded to a broad-minded culture; from an ummah that is hypocritical to an ummah that is devout,” he said.

In Alor Setar, the Sultan of Kedah, Al-Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah urged the Muslim community not to raise issues that could threaten the unity of the ummah.

He objected to the actions of a few irresponsible groups that used mosques as a platform to deliver political speeches and cause turmoil.

“Among the causes for the divisions that are plaguing society today is the inability to control passions, being immature and the inability to respond appropriately to differences in opinion, so much so that they easily hurl insults and get into disputes.

“But if you look into it, sometimes they are just petty issues. So, I hope that Muslims, especially in Kedah, will always maintain unity and harmony,” His Royal Highness said at the Kedah state-level Ma’al Hijrah celebration yesterday, Bernama reported.

Sultan Sallehuddin also said that Muslims can overcome any discord by returning to the basic teaching, which is adhering to the Quran.

In KUALA TERENGGANU, the Sultan of Terengganu, Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin called on the people to avoid factionalism and selfishness due to political differences, which could cause divisions among the multiracial community that lives in peace and harmony in the state.

“We are aware that Terengganu’s society is composed of multiple religions, races and cultures.

“With this unique diversity, I call on all people, both Muslims and non-Muslims, to respect one another.

“Selfish sentiments, factional stances and enmity due to party politics should not occur or continue to arise in this blessed land,” he said at the state-level Ma’al Hijrah celebration here.

Sultan Mizan also reminded the people not to raise sensitive issues that touched on matters of religion or race as it could lead to division.

Source : The Star Online