IPOH – Persatuan Pemaju Hartanah dan Perumahan Malaysia (Rehda) Perak akan mempamerkan 5,000 hartan...
Sultan Nazrin, Tuanku Zara Visit Perak Pavilion at MAHA 2024
SERDANG: Sultan of Perak Sultan Nazrin Shah visited the Perak Pavilion at the Malaysian Agriculture, Hort...
RMR Perakku Prihatin Program: Building a Housing Future for the B40 Group
The RMR Perakku Prihatin Program is an initiative by the Perak state government through Yayasan Perak in ...
Digital Perak 2.0 Portal: Propelling the Perak State into the Digital Era
The Perak State is advancing with the launch of Portal Perak Digital 2.0, a platform offering various gov...
Technical and Vocational Education and Training: TVET OKU in Perak
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) plays a crucial role in enhancing the skills and e...
TVET Skilled Jobs in Perak: Enhancing Skills and Job Opportunities for Perak Youth
The TVET Skilled Jobs program or also known as Program TVET Mahir Kerja, is an initiative by the Perak St...
Program for Eradicating Hardcore Poverty for Malaysian Families (BMTKM)
The Program for Eradicating Hardcore Poverty for Malaysian Families or also known as Program Pembasmian K...
Program Bantuan Pinjaman Tabung Usahawan Yayasan Perak
Apakah itu Program Bantuan Pinjaman Tabung Usahawan Yayasan Perak? ...